GSCS Leads Inductions of New SCB-PCB Officers

By Nica Ciruelas

On August 2, 2014, The Good Shepherd Cathedral School (GSCS) witnessed the induction of the new officers for school year 2014-2015 Student’s Coordinating Board (SCB) and Parent’s Coordinating Board (PCB) and some alumni officers at the GSCS canteen.
   Leading the induction ceremony are the school key officials, Fr. Albert N. Delvo and Dr. Carina G. Dacanay and a throng of GSCS students and supporters which filled up the venue at past 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

   The ceremony started with a fervent prayer. Ms. Jackielyn B. Tubog and Mr. Merwin Reyes hosted the program. Dr. Dacanay first welcomed the esteemed parents and students  elected. The newly-elected officers of the SCB was initially introduced one by one followed by the new officers of PCB and PCB level representatives. Fr. Delvo led the formal oath taking of these officers. Dr. Dacanay welcomed and introduced the new officers of GSCS Alumni. Dr. Dacanay further assigned to all officers and level representatives to propose projects that are attainable no matter how small. SCB President, Ms. Marie Gabrielle T. Bernabe, delivered her acceptance speech emphasizing on active participation on the school projects and concerns. The SCB officers promised to give a good service in order to help the school in a systematic manner.
   On the other hand, PCB President, Ms. Rosario Manalang of Grade 9, gave a short speech in behalf of the elected behalf of the elected PCB representatives. Ms. Manalang, a former PCB Vice President, acknowledged the responsibility of PCB this year. She is happy to note that this year, so many parents participated for PCB.
   Meanwhile, the Alumni President gave background on the current undertaking of the alumni in the preparation of next year’s milestone year –the GSCS 20th anniversary. The alumni raised funds through t-shirt selling and encouraged students to support the project.
 The program is caped by a sumptuous snacks partaken by all attendees. Although some parents were quite dismayed that SCB representatives came rushing to the food even before the parents themselves.
   After the oath-taking ceremony, the PCB also held their first meeting with Ms. Jackie to discuss as well the upcoming Foundation Day on September. Mr. Merwin together with alumni held their first meeting, too, separately, to discuss projects to develop cooperation as alumni of GSCS.