We Exist to Serve: A Look at the SCB 2013

By Marie Gabrielle Bernabe

Every community must have its own leaders to follow and look up to: someone who will voice out what the people feel, someone who will secure their safety, convenience and rights towards others--someone who will be their role models. School is where these leaders are bred and honed for the future and this year, we are blessed to have strong willed officers to be part of the Students' Coordinating Board (SCB) who will all help us to have a good school year.

   This year's SCB is composed of Tricia Pasagui (president), Maria Angelica Reyes (Vice President), Leanne Caymo (secretary), Bianca Reyes (treasurer), Audrey Averilla (auditor), Arianne Mendoza (peace officer) and Eriel Ong (Public Information Officer). We also have our level representatives from grade four to fourth year: Jose Marlano Suba, Laureen Asica, Kyla dela Cruz, Sekia Ishii, Grace Kelly Bangalan, Jose Angelo Yuzon and Joel Mendoza.

   Our SCB in motion was seen last time in the success of the family day, foundation day and the much-awaited intramurals. Other plans for this school year include the 'on sabon' where they strive to increase the school's cleanliness and practice student discipline.

   Passionate leaders don't stop with the SCB officers and level representatives since there are also SCB volunteers who help maintain the order in our school.
Jason Flores, the SCB chief volunteer sees his reason to serve in wanting to 'leave a significant mark' before he leaves the school and to be able to be a good role model for the students and for his fellow SCB volunteers.

   It's not easy to be an officer or volunteer in the school since all who are willing to join will undergo interviews, have the requirements and they would need to meet the expectations for the position they want, but that didn't stop the SCB today. For those who are would want to serve our school, this is what some of the officers advice:

"Enjoy your High School life to the fullest but don't forget your responsibilities."
- Leanne Caymo

"The position is not important but it is the passion to serve that makes us unique from other students."
- Jason Flores

To serve as an officer or volunteer does not revolve around popularity or attention, but instead it is a sacrifice of love for school and community. Reputation and its glories just come in second to what the real goal of duty is.